Communal fault-lines are becoming visible in Jammu region after some allegedly right wing men thrashed some Gujjars during a demolition drive at Sarore village of Samba, in which a boy was killed. On Friday afternoon, Independent MLA Engineer Rashid airlifted one Farman Ali along with his attendants to SMHS hospital of Srinagar in a critical condition. Rashid told reporters that Farman Ali was forced to leave GMC hospital of Jammu, after he named some right wing men who were responsible for injuring many Gujjars during the demolition drive.
Even though the government has ordered a magisterial enquiry into the matter, hundreds of people in different areas are staging protests. Protests are also being held against the eviction of the Gujjar tribe from different hilly areas of Jammu region.
The People’s Democratic Party has demanded a time-bound probe into the killing. The police is accused of opening fire on the settlers who were protesting against the eviction by Jammu Development Authority.
Gujjar leader and MLA Kangan Mian Altaf Ahmad while talking to this newspaper claimed that police had come with goons to evict the Gujjars. He alleged that right wing people were responsible for the rampage.