Easter Sunday marks a celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. This event is central to the faith of Jesus’ followers. However, have you ever considered that Easter may be more than just a day? Have you thought of Easter also as a verb? If you apply Easter as a verb, resurrection becomes a spiritual practice in daily life.
As a result of Easter we enjoy union with Christ. In this life giving relationship, our identity is grounded in Jesus’ resurrection and we daily live in this truth. As our faith in Jesus becomes fervent, He renews our heart (Rom 10:9). This renewal of our heart, occurs due to the indwelling Spirit of Jesus (Gal 4:6). The Spirit also pours out the love of God into our hearts (Rom 5:5).
While here on earth, Jesus demonstrated His love through action. In the Bible we read about the time when Jesus, moved with compassion for the widow from Nain who had lost her son, raised him from the dead (Luke 7:11-17). We may never live to speak about bringing a dead person to life the way Jesus did. Yet, if we are willing to interrupt our daily routine, no matter how important it may seem, and reach out to others in compassion, we truly demonstrate our identity as people of resurrection and hope. We must be people ready to defy death
Every time you bring hope and joy into a situation clouded with despair, each time you lend a listening ear and build bridges of understanding, whenever you boldly confront injustice, you are living resurrection hope.
The resurrection of Christ affirms that this world is not rubbish to be carelessly tossed away in the future. The incarnate redeemed this world and redeemed us. Therefore, let our actions, everyday, promote life. Do something life giving.