Super star Rajinikanth-starrer Kabali in Tamil and Telugu is set to gross Rs 200 crore in three days of the first weekend by today and surpass collections set by recent superhits — Bahubali and Sultan. Close to 11,000 shows in 1,100 screens where the film released in the first weekend are completely booked. Trade analysis Tarun Adarsh tweeted on Saturday that Kabali’s preview show collections in the US and Canada a record with 1,925,379 US dollars (close to Rs 12.93 crore) on the first day as against 1.382.076 US dollars of Bahubali and 786,194 US dollars of Sultan on the premier show collections.
The word Kumbh symbolizes completion. Perhaps this is why self-realized saints and sages are also…
Spiritually, taking dips in the holy water of the sacred rivers is believed to provide…
Known for their extreme asceticism and stringent spiritual practices, the Naga sadhus live a life…
After returning to India from South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi made his political debut at the…
In a pioneering effort, the Uttar Pradesh Police has deployed underwater drones with advanced imaging…
PM Modi has consistently connected the values of the Kumbh, such as unity, inclusivity, and…