New Delhi: The BJP has appointed V. Satish as the new general secretary (organisation), replacing Ramlal, who returns to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as the Akhil Bharatiya Sah Sampark Prabhari. Satish was till now joint general secretary (organisation).
Sources said that Ramlal has been the longest-serving general secretary (organisation) for the party. He had taken charge as the general secretary in 2006 after Sanjay Joshi was removed from the post. He was helping the party in formulating strategies and was a crucial link between the RSS and the BJP. Ramlal was a pracharak of the RSS for Western Uttar Pradesh earlier.
According to sources, the decision to remove Ramlal was taken during a crucial meeting of the Prantha Pracharak Baithak RSS in Vijaywada. There were four national joint general secretaries (organization) under Ramlal—V. Satish, Saudan Singh, Shiv Prakash and B.L. Santosh.
Born in Nagpur district of Maharshtra on 23 May 1954, Satish was educated from Shri Shivaji College, Parbhani. Satish has worked in the Northeast for the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and RSS’ core activities before being shifted to the BJP’s Assam unit.