Porous Bangladesh border helps mafia rule

Nearly 20% of the 2,216.7 km long...

Ambushes expose flaws in Chhattisgarh police ops

The attacks underscore critical failures in operational...

SC: Consolidating all suits benefits both sides

New Delhi: In the Mathura Shri Krishna...

Anil K Antony

India is emerging as a Pole Star amid Global Turmoil

NEW DELHI: Amb. Sujan Chinoy lists seven ‘Ts’ that impact national security strategies in any geography: trade, technology, territorial disputes, terrorism, tenets, transparency, and...

India’s emergence as a ‘Vishwa Mitra’ and ‘Vishwa ka atut saathi’ is a security and stability provider for the new world

India could be an initiator of a new charter based on current world realities, and expected future trajectories. New Delhi In July 1941, a few months...

The Indo-Pacific is a microcosm of emerging multipolar world

Our oceans give us the opportunity to be a benign peace,stability and security provider for a region as vast as theAfrican and Arabian coasts,...

IPCC report and India’s opportunity to lead the world on climate change

The UN Climate Change Conference, COP26 would be held in November at Glasgow, Scotland with the IPCC assessments as a backdrop. Indian voice would...

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