Son-rise in Bihar Congress leads to resentment

NEW DELHI: According to party insiders, the name...

Return the ASEAN Sea to Southeast Asia

Geographically, the nomenclature ‘South China Sea’ makes...

American universities are next battleground between U.S. and China

WASHINGTON D.C.: China has targeted all sources...

Renée Ranchan

Bollywood’s Sound of Silence

It’s not been quite two weeks when Jaya Bachchan whipped up, yet another debate (if that’s what one can call it) in Parliament, in...

Covid-19 Unkind to the Mind

With the pandemic grinding on, our little family unit, I must confess come evenings, have become couch-potatoes. And me, in the early stages of...

Our Milk-White Fixation

We were under colonial rule for a bit over 200 years…Remember,  ‘The Sun never set over the British Empire’, but dare anyone dispute that...

This Outsider: The Chosen One?

For more years than I care to remember, I have heard so many people using this word on a daily basis, often many times...

This Outsider: The Chosen One?

For more years than I care to remember, I have heard so many people using this word on a daily basis, often many times...

This Outsider: The Chosen One?

For more years than I care to remember, I have heard so many people using this word on a daily basis, often many times...

The Discovery of India…

The neighbourhood I live in has become a ghost town with no one stepping out of their gate or rather opening their main door...

The Discovery of India…

The neighbourhood I live in has become a ghost town with no one stepping out of their gate or rather opening their main door...

The Discovery of India…

The neighbourhood I live in has become a ghost town with no one stepping out of their gate or rather opening their main door...

Closing in on all corners…

The calendar on my writing table mutely announces that it’s been a couple of days over a month when this nation-wide lockdown was declared,...

Closing in on all corners…

The calendar on my writing table mutely announces that it’s been a couple of days over a month when this nation-wide lockdown was declared,...

Closing in on all corners…

The calendar on my writing table mutely announces that it’s been a couple of days over a month when this nation-wide lockdown was declared,...

When number two stands first

Till I actually made it to my writing table, I had thought that this strip should explore the many theories of Corona virus doing...

When number two stands first

Till I actually made it to my writing table, I had thought that this strip should explore the many theories of Corona virus doing...

When number two stands first

Till I actually made it to my writing table, I had thought that this strip should explore the many theories of Corona virus doing...

The monologue virus is here to stay

It is not so if one is participating in a seminar or attending a lecture after which there is a question and answer session;...

The monologue virus is here to stay

It is not so if one is participating in a seminar or attending a lecture after which there is a question and answer session;...

The monologue virus is here to stay

It is not so if one is participating in a seminar or attending a lecture after which there is a question and answer session;...

Coins considered counterfeit or cumbersome

It all started with the dhobi, the ironing man, who has a booming business under the shade of a sprawling tree, which four times in...

Coins considered counterfeit or cumbersome

It all started with the dhobi, the ironing man, who has a booming business under the shade of a sprawling tree, which four times in...

Coins considered counterfeit or cumbersome

It all started with the dhobi, the ironing man, who has a booming business under the shade of a sprawling tree, which four times in...

A haemorrhaging nation, in dire need of justice

Had resolved not to end the year on a glum note but find myself heading exactly in the direction I was to stay clear...

A haemorrhaging nation, in dire need of justice

Had resolved not to end the year on a glum note but find myself heading exactly in the direction I was to stay clear...

A haemorrhaging nation, in dire need of justice

Had resolved not to end the year on a glum note but find myself heading exactly in the direction I was to stay clear...

Post-festive exhaustion runs thick

It has not quite yet been a month since this prolonged, nearly three-month-long festivity came to a halt, yet the fatigue persists. I just...

Post-festive exhaustion runs thick

It has not quite yet been a month since this prolonged, nearly three-month-long festivity came to a halt, yet the fatigue persists. I just...

Post-festive exhaustion runs thick

It has not quite yet been a month since this prolonged, nearly three-month-long festivity came to a halt, yet the fatigue persists. I just...

The Great Indian Sale makes shops redundant

It was the month of May, that I am quite sure of, and the weather was of course, not as temperamental as it, these...

The Great Indian Sale makes shops redundant

It was the month of May, that I am quite sure of, and the weather was of course, not as temperamental as it, these...

The Great Indian Sale makes shops redundant

It was the month of May, that I am quite sure of, and the weather was of course, not as temperamental as it, these...

Your children are not your children

What should one do? Collapse in disbelief, feel flummoxed, wonder if so many of us have lost our marbles? Even if one belongs to...

Your children are not your children

What should one do? Collapse in disbelief, feel flummoxed, wonder if so many of us have lost our marbles? Even if one belongs to...

Your children are not your children

What should one do? Collapse in disbelief, feel flummoxed, wonder if so many of us have lost our marbles? Even if one belongs to...

Sumptuous and fine flavours of Kashmir

With Kashmir all over the place, I had no space to think of writing anything else. But rest assured, this is not about the...

Sumptuous and fine flavours of Kashmir

With Kashmir all over the place, I had no space to think of writing anything else. But rest assured, this is not about the...

Sumptuous and fine flavours of Kashmir

With Kashmir all over the place, I had no space to think of writing anything else. But rest assured, this is not about the...

So spaketh Karma: Some thoughts on cosmic comeuppance

Karma, the Karmic theory, that we Indians swear by, somehow has a way of stepping foot in our conversations, whether of the peripheral flimsiness...

So spaketh Karma: Some thoughts on cosmic comeuppance

Karma, the Karmic theory, that we Indians swear by, somehow has a way of stepping foot in our conversations, whether of the peripheral flimsiness...

So spaketh Karma: Some thoughts on cosmic comeuppance

Karma, the Karmic theory, that we Indians swear by, somehow has a way of stepping foot in our conversations, whether of the peripheral flimsiness...

There are round pegs in square holes

This last Tuesday I made a one-day trip to Simla. Wednesday was all about dealing with a plumber who, with all the angular neck...

There are round pegs in square holes

This last Tuesday I made a one-day trip to Simla. Wednesday was all about dealing with a plumber who, with all the angular neck...

There are round pegs in square holes

This last Tuesday I made a one-day trip to Simla. Wednesday was all about dealing with a plumber who, with all the angular neck...

Mahabharata pales in comparison to this battle of 2019

I had thought of heading out for lunch after sending this column to the Press but given, over the last two months, the high decibel...

Mahabharata pales in comparison to this battle of 2019

I had thought of heading out for lunch after sending this column to the Press but given, over the last two months, the high decibel...

Mahabharata pales in comparison to this battle of 2019

I had thought of heading out for lunch after sending this column to the Press but given, over the last two months, the high decibel...

On the question of assassinations

This was, I know, supposed to be an in-continuation piece but a month is a long while, and the mind wanders off to the...

On the question of assassinations

This was, I know, supposed to be an in-continuation piece but a month is a long while, and the mind wanders off to the...

On the question of assassinations

This was, I know, supposed to be an in-continuation piece but a month is a long while, and the mind wanders off to the...

Popcorn patriotism v/s real nationalism

Popcorn Patriotism, what other name would it go by? In the aftermath of the horrific Pulwama tragedy there have been conferences, conclaves (what else...

Popcorn patriotism v/s real nationalism

Popcorn Patriotism, what other name would it go by? In the aftermath of the horrific Pulwama tragedy there have been conferences, conclaves (what else...

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