India-Canada relations fall prey to Trudeau’s quest for self-interest

Once lauded for its freedom, openness, and...

FM invites Mexican investors to explore opportunities in India

Mexico City: Union Minister for Finance and...

Justin Trudeau, stop dancing with extremists

Canada with Trudeau as PM has been...

Renée Ranchan

The Handiwork of Craftsmen

Two afternoons back I closed, as in, bolted and locked the gate, on the gaggle of repair and renovation workers. Yes, the electrician, his...

Holding on to the ceiling

It is worth the noting—women and equal rights! Can both go hand-in-hand?! Do I hear the vigorous, running the air past them, nod of...

Playing With The Order

Pet-lovers, I should think, have existed since time immemorial but, and this is a real Berlin Wall high but…but now keeping, nurturing designer dogs...

No more jabs

It’s the second time within a year, for heaven knows what reason, I’ve been told in a tone nothing short of a rebuke, that...

Ready for another Road-Show

Today, is the day, after we here in Delhi and its adjoining cities, such as Gurgaon, had cast our votes. And no, there would...

Not By a Long Shot

Repeatedly I find myself going back to one topic I promise, repeatedly again, not to touch upon. Actually, totally steer clear of, as the...

Disproportionate issues

Obesity is on the rise—we have been hearing so for donkey’s years—and yet it continues to be on the rise. The perplexing point is...

Round-the-clock Complaining

There is one topic that prevails, dominantly so. More so, I would think in Delhi and its adjoining city of Gurgaon, (happen not to...

New Normal Grown Old

I know, I know, little point for me to be reminded! I promise more to myself than to anyone else, that for almost, four...

Role Models’ Roll

After nearly four years since the pandemic made us into hermits, or left us hibernating in our caves sans the slumber, suddenly the new...

The cinematic hip-hop dazzle

Today it has been two Sundays since Diwali and the fatigue of the hoopla seems to be lifting like a dense grey fog, letting...

Bank’s safe lockdown

A good part of October went into this new-age banking, and shall try my best to not talk about all the semantics of providing...

Show me the money

Tomorrow it would be three Mondays back, when I had lunch with my supposed better-half’s very good friend’s bright and ebullient daughter. Now she is...

Influencers of Suicides

I know that this strip is going to be filled up by perturbing matters, so starting off the way I intend to (despite trying...

Earth, a water grave

You might be reading this over breakfast with a wall-sized, flat-as-paper TV screen beaming at you, (preferably on mute, if you ask me) readily...

Cruising the Skies

I have clocked in a good amount of time in aircrafts and always, as in always, despite the frenzied pace of packing, shutting down...

Making room for space

It is precisely one week over a month today when I rolled up my sleeves, tied tight my walking shoes, and with mental determination...

Feasting with a flourish

The clock never halts, that we all know, but for many years now, time seems to be sprinting at a hare’s rate of knots,...

Us with U.S. meals and manners

As I mentioned a couple of months back, Post-Covid, the middle classes, the upper crust seem to be travelling here, there, everywhere, trying out...


My house, technically so, is in Gurgaon (now rechristened Gurugram on “sarkari” letterheads and many signages) but there, unbelievably so, are very many homes...

An online brain-drain

Covid only accelerated matters but the screenplay was well-sketched out, with plenty of flesh to the bones, but the pandemic seems to be the...

Voted offline

It was exactly two days short of three years when finally, at long last, my mother and I made it to Shimla. These three...

The aftermath of Covid consumption

It’s been made official that Covid is a thing of the past, not brushed under the carpet but without question, certifiably laid to rest,...

The fiesta of fasting

I wouldn’t say it is a new phenomenon yet it is not too old either. Every other day is a day which seems to...

Don’t Wear Me Out

It’s a pretty long haul before I manage, late in the morning, to drive into the city to make it to work. Not referring...

Curtailing the tongue     

So now there is a gag order on a list of words which are deemed unparliamentary by our honourable Parliament. Wonder who was authorized...

Let’s talk books

Milton said so, hundreds of years ago, that verse (now take that as reading) was only for the `fit and few’. If the writer...

Termination in the offing

America! The country where so many of us aspire to go, carve out a life where one has success, currently called psychic income, a...

Vaulted Bank Accounts!

It was last Saturday, so that makes it nine days today, and I’m still trying, tirelessly trying, to quiet the brain; the mind, however,...

Eternally Women’s Day

I am in a particularly `huff and puff, and I’ll blow your house down’ mood. Funny, how in the past month I have come...

Singularity in Unity

Tensions are increasingly mounting with the atmosphere methodically becoming more and more aggressive and self-justifying. A case of, `us versus them’. The grating image...

All Play, No Work

Today it’s been 74 long years when Gandhiji, the Father of the Nation, was gunned down in cold blood. Over the past some years...

Show me the Money

If one has been following this space, I would not blame the reader for thinking that I had been taken over by some sort...

Show me the Money

If one has been following this space, I would not blame the reader for thinking that I had been taken over by some sort...

Show me the Money

If one has been following this space, I would not blame the reader for thinking that I had been taken over by some sort...

Who shall bell the cat?

She, Kangana Ranaut, thrives and noticeably succeeds in becoming a lifelong object of tabloidish news which, we, God knows why, pause, stand still and...

Skating over Salty Seas

If you ask me, October 2nd, Gandhi Jayanti, has long back been forgotten, save the billboards that come up on Bapu’s birthday or the...

Moving on with movies

Movies were always magic for me. I had hardly begun kindergarten and learnt the days of the week…Monday, Tuesday…when I discovered how special Sundays...

Hindi Living in Exile…

Who does not know that with time language grows, evolves; new words come into being, old words, grown archaic are put to disuse, occasionally...

Hindi Living in Exile…

Who does not know that with time language grows, evolves; new words come into being, old words, grown archaic are put to disuse, occasionally...

Hindi Living in Exile…

Who does not know that with time language grows, evolves; new words come into being, old words, grown archaic are put to disuse, occasionally...

The Soap of Pantry Politics!

Precisely two Sundays ago, I uncharacteristically made the unilateral decision to ban all Indian news channels that are for the most, playing in the...

The Soap of Pantry Politics!

Precisely two Sundays ago, I uncharacteristically made the unilateral decision to ban all Indian news channels that are for the most, playing in the...

The Soap of Pantry Politics!

Precisely two Sundays ago, I uncharacteristically made the unilateral decision to ban all Indian news channels that are for the most, playing in the...

Minting money from misery!

Rahul, brother to both me and my younger brother, son to our mother, passed away in the early hours of the 2nd of May, Sabbath...

Royalty Instagrammed!

I have scratched my head inside out—so much so that my clipped-to-the-finger-tip nails have gone raw and sore in the exercise—and yet remain at...

The Show Must Go On…

These past couple of weeks I pause for a minute, before, with a hesitancy, bordering on, ‘spare me this time’ do I go to...

Trumpeting from both ends

Only an archaeological eye could reflect and sum up what exactly happened in Washington on the 6th of January, termed the Insurrection, and then...

Trumpeting from both ends

Only an archaeological eye could reflect and sum up what exactly happened in Washington on the 6th of January, termed the Insurrection, and then...

Trumpeting from both ends

Only an archaeological eye could reflect and sum up what exactly happened in Washington on the 6th of January, termed the Insurrection, and then...

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