Klove Studio, owned by Gautam Seth and Prateek Jain and known for their blown glass installations, has collaborated with Swarovski jewels and created an 18-ft high glass-and-crystal wedding mandap, an installation that greets all visitors bang in the middle of DLF Emporio’s foyer, as part of the ongoing Treasury of Trousseau. The installation is a cue for luxury wedding clients, who seek newer ways to make their weddings more spectacular. Vivek Rambhadram, creative director of Swarovski said, “We have recently decided to enter the wedding industry space, and cater to clients who look for bespoke gifting and decor options. This collaboration was an example to show our clients what is indeed possible.” Explained designer Prateek Jain, “For the mandapam, we have sought inspiration from the temples of South India, including its scalloped pillars and temple structure.”
The colossal installation has over 44,000 Swarovski crystals with brass laser cut panels apart from utilising Klove’s signature blown glass pieces. The mandap has incorporated Swarovski crystal pendeloques, beads, octagons, pear drops, flat backs and strands in colours that are associated with the traditional Hindu wedding ceremony, modernising it with a touch of Bordeaux and Blue violet crystals. This is Klove studio’s second collaboration with Swarovski. The mandap, once dismantled, can be utilised for six different lighting installations, thus giving it lasting value.