Punjab panchayat elections marred by violence and criminal influence

Chandigarh: Punjab Panchayat elections were marred by...

Leaders dissemble for political survival

The public who consume untruths are mostly...

What sets the general provident fund apart from other saving schemes

Saving is crucial for financial stability and...

Daniel Wagner

Trump’s lies don’t matter in America’s election

Washington, DC: America’s ‘Trumpistas’ see him as their saviour, who promises to restore an Ozzy and Harriet version of 1950s America. Many Americans are appalled that...

American universities are next battleground between U.S. and China

WASHINGTON D.C.: China has targeted all sources of American innovation, including universities, corporations, and government labs, exploiting both their openness and naïveté. The congressional legislation...

Americans must get smarter about the TikTok debate

The American government is trying to protect Americans against the CCP, for most of them are not smart enough to want to do so...

Living under China’s Zero-Covid policy

In 2021 I travelled to Beijing from America to start working for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. I went there at the very height...

Not a small feat: What the U.S. and West must do to counter China

The Chinese Communist Party is far too strong to be overthrown; its surveillance state and vise-like grip on the Chinese people have ensured its...

Political violence resulting from food shortages could soon become a reality

The World Food Program estimates that Ukraine’s grain supply feeds some 400 million people. Yemen, for example, relies on Ukraine for a third of...

Political violence resulting from food shortages could soon become a reality

The World Food Program estimates that Ukraine’s grain supply feeds some 400 million people. Yemen, for example, relies on Ukraine for a third of...

Political violence resulting from food shortages could soon become a reality

The World Food Program estimates that Ukraine’s grain supply feeds some 400 million people. Yemen, for example, relies on Ukraine for a third of...

The ethical dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence

Ethical questions in AI research and development present unique challenges in that they ask us to consider whether, when, and how machines should make...

Achieving sustainable infrastructure for a post-Covid world

Infrastructure investment is central to achieving a sustainable global economic recovery. The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting global economic crisis represent an enormous challenge for most...

Achieving sustainable infrastructure for a post-Covid world

Infrastructure investment is central to achieving a sustainable global economic recovery. The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting global economic crisis represent an enormous challenge for most...

Achieving sustainable infrastructure for a post-Covid world

Infrastructure investment is central to achieving a sustainable global economic recovery. The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting global economic crisis represent an enormous challenge for most...

Trump’s foreign policy legacy

He has shaken America and its allies to come to realize that their greatest asset is their ability to act in unison and with...

Time to put some more guardrails in place in Washington

Approve laws that require every presidential candidate to disclose his or her tax returns and strip Presidents of immunity from prosecution while they are...

Time to put some more guardrails in place in Washington

Approve laws that require every presidential candidate to disclose his or her tax returns and strip Presidents of immunity from prosecution while they are...

Time to put some more guardrails in place in Washington

Approve laws that require every presidential candidate to disclose his or her tax returns and strip Presidents of immunity from prosecution while they are...

What America must learn from China

China’s rise is all the more impressive because it has occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic and despite much global criticism for its approach to...

America has sent Trump, but not Trumpism, packing

Let us hope that Joe Biden can at least start down the road of healing this fractured nation and that whatever he is able...

China’s cognitive dissonance and US Presidential election

Biden understands that to counter Beijing, the West and America’s allies need to speak with one voice and be willing to act in unison.   Conventional...

China’s cognitive dissonance and US Presidential election

Biden understands that to counter Beijing, the West and America’s allies need to speak with one voice and be willing to act in unison.   Conventional...

China’s cognitive dissonance and US Presidential election

Biden understands that to counter Beijing, the West and America’s allies need to speak with one voice and be willing to act in unison.   Conventional...

China digital currency could revolutionize global payments

China is well on its way to becoming a cashless society. More than 600 million Chinese already use Alibaba’s Alipay and Tencent’s WeChat Pay...

China on influence offensive through Belt and Road soft powerplay

Many of the individuals who consume news around the world have no idea that China is involved in crafting much of the messaging they...

China has a Blockchain strategy

China’s military is trying to determine how best to weaponize Blockchain to launch grey zone attacks for cyber and information warfare.   Daniel Wagner   The strategic competition...

China has a Blockchain strategy

China’s military is trying to determine how best to weaponize Blockchain to launch grey zone attacks for cyber and information warfare.   Daniel Wagner   The strategic competition...

China has a Blockchain strategy

China’s military is trying to determine how best to weaponize Blockchain to launch grey zone attacks for cyber and information warfare.   Daniel Wagner   The strategic competition...

America’s conflict with China is ideological and so much more

Anyone who doubts China’s resolve to reassume its position as the world’s leading nation is bound to be daunted by the ferocity, and competency,...

Beijing flexing muscles when world preoccupied with Covid-19

One would have thought that during this global crisis Xi Jinping would have taken some time to contemplate the damage that he has done...

Despite Trump’s outrages, Biden’s potential election is not a foregone conclusion

The polls have Joe Biden up by 8-10% over President Donald Trump if America’s presidential election were held today, but, of course, the election...

Having China as adversary means America should get its house in order

Trump’s focus on America’s trade deficit with China is not a solution and diverst attention from US’s underlying weakness.   China’s rise will remain the greatest...

Having China as adversary means America should get its house in order

Trump’s focus on America’s trade deficit with China is not a solution and diverst attention from US’s underlying weakness.   China’s rise will remain the greatest...

Having China as adversary means America should get its house in order

Trump’s focus on America’s trade deficit with China is not a solution and diverst attention from US’s underlying weakness.   China’s rise will remain the greatest...

America and China contest for economic leadership

Well before the eruption of COVID-19, Beijing and Washington were busy contributing in different ways to erosion of the existing global economic regime. China’s...

America and China contest for economic leadership

Well before the eruption of COVID-19, Beijing and Washington were busy contributing in different ways to erosion of the existing global economic regime. China’s...

America and China contest for economic leadership

Well before the eruption of COVID-19, Beijing and Washington were busy contributing in different ways to erosion of the existing global economic regime. China’s...

America and China in a geostrategic rivalry

As global affairs continue to careen out of control, the world’s foreign-policy decision-makers may be forgiven for feeling as if they are floating around...

Has the US surrendered to China on scientific research?

The US is being outmatched. Government funding of basic and applied scientific research is not only lagging, but falling dangerously behind China, and too...

America’s and China’s permanent state of affairs

The following has been excerpted from Daniel Wagner’s book, The America-China Divide on why US must build a foundation for future cooperation with China.   The...

Global corridors of power get a Chinese makeover

As China continues its inexorable rise to global prominence, it is spreading its soft power throughout the global corridors of power. Beijing is well...

Global corridors of power get a Chinese makeover

As China continues its inexorable rise to global prominence, it is spreading its soft power throughout the global corridors of power. Beijing is well...

Global corridors of power get a Chinese makeover

As China continues its inexorable rise to global prominence, it is spreading its soft power throughout the global corridors of power. Beijing is well...

China’s BRI project is environmentally harmful

Beijing is keeping its development and commercial banks, construction and engineering firms busy while exporting a lot of dirty technology in the process.   Chinese President...

China’s BRI project is environmentally harmful

Beijing is keeping its development and commercial banks, construction and engineering firms busy while exporting a lot of dirty technology in the process.   Chinese President...

China’s BRI project is environmentally harmful

Beijing is keeping its development and commercial banks, construction and engineering firms busy while exporting a lot of dirty technology in the process.   Chinese President...

Virtual jihad has an enduring legacy

As a result of Trump’s widely criticised removal of the last vestiges of an American physical presence in Syria, foreign policy analysts continue to...

Virtual jihad has an enduring legacy

As a result of Trump’s widely criticised removal of the last vestiges of an American physical presence in Syria, foreign policy analysts continue to...

Virtual jihad has an enduring legacy

As a result of Trump’s widely criticised removal of the last vestiges of an American physical presence in Syria, foreign policy analysts continue to...

China’s new world order

Xi wants to guarantee supremacy of China throughout this century and beyond.     Today China and the United States remain engaged in the most serious trade...

A new form of war is taking shape

The emergence of weapons that will likely shape tomorrow’s wars range from cyberwarfare to drones and from AI to virtual reality to virtual terrorism.   In...

A new form of war is taking shape

The emergence of weapons that will likely shape tomorrow’s wars range from cyberwarfare to drones and from AI to virtual reality to virtual terrorism.   In...

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