Women health issues should be taken seriously, say Experts

New Delhi: Leading women healthcare specialists participated...

Janus-faced nature of Trudeau’s politics

It is clear that Trudeau looks after...

Congress aims for greater control in Maha elections

Congress aims for stronger control in Maharashtra...

Koral Dasgupta

Time for kids to take a break from television and phones

Often I, as a parent, have faced that dead-end where I didn’t know what to engage my active child with. Taking advantage of my...

Looking after kids who find it hard to concentrate on things

The other day, a friend told me that her child has been detected with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and that she has booked...

Dispute between parents can have long-term impact on kids

Conflicts between people are very common in everyday life. There’s practically nothing that we can do to impair the interpersonal differences that appear when...

Who taught Faraaz to stay fearless while facing horror?

Faraaz Hossain is all over the internet, gathering accolades, getting blessed and the unfortunate loss being mourned worldwide. The More you read about him,...

It doesn’t take two to tango for successful parenthood

The issue of Tusshar Kapoor becoming a single dad at 40 using IVF and surrogacy has taken over social media. Reactions are mixed. Some...

Is old-style parenting still significant in today’s world?

This Father’s Day, Raymond, a brand that prides itself as the choice of a “complete man” has done the unthinkable. The menswear brand has...

Sex education for parents is what we need to talk about

The other day I found some ladies in the coffee shop discussing the child of some other woman who is effeminate, and hence suspected...

Every parent has to become a master chef at some point

Every time my kid’s friends dropped in at home, I used to fret over what to serve them. The kids usually demand a pizza...

Importance of letting kids know what it’s like to fail

winning or participating? What should be a more important goal for children? Apparently, this question would have a more ideologically obvious response. But do we really...

Here’s what Hashmi’s book teaches us about parenting

The little brat woke up at 5.30 a.m. on Sunday morning! I being an early riser was obviously irritated that my “me” time will...

Nurturing superstitions in children is not the way to go

Recently, Adhyayan Suman’s comments on Kangana Ranaut had caused much debate. It pains to know that a well-educated boy from a high- profile background...

Mother’s Day is much more than a social media photo op

Every year on Mother’s Day, social media is replete with posts and photographs declaring the love of mothers. But does that truly celebrate a...

Why children must learn the ropes of simple self-defence

In the last few days, Hindu College has been criticised for its regressive rules with regard to its women’s hostel. They had specified dress...

Telling meaningful stories can make all the difference

In our journey with our children, we often pick up wrong goals of parenting without realising that they would lead us or our kids...

The case against expecting the world from our children

All of us want our children to be Einsteins and Shakespeares. The very Indian expectations that the progeny would excel in everything where the...

We need to redefine ‘beauty’ for the benefit of our kids

The other day I was reading reports on a research that said beautiful people have their series of advantages; but there are disadvantages as...

Rules of good parenting and true friendship are the same

Many of us believe that an important aspect of parenting is to be able to crack the generation gap and become friends with our...

Competitive spirit must be kindled with care in children

Children today pick up so many weird symptoms. Maybe these happened in the earlier decades too, but given that societies were more open, neighbours...

Kids with Down syndrome need proper care, support

We as parents often complain about the myriad responsibilities and engagements that come with a baby. As much as we love our babies, the...

The right time to start thinking about schooling

One of the most critical decisions that you would probably take as parents is when to put the child to school. These days schooling...

A quick guide on celebrating your child’s first birthday

Parenting is a blissful experience as much as it is demanding and tiring. While managing nappies and nannies, and simultaneously wondering whether to give...

It’s important for children to experience the outdoors

When I was a child, my mother would wake me up very early in the morning and send me to the terrace with my...

How travellers can babysit their children on the road

Remember those days when you went for vacations and packed with you the books you wanted to read or planned family time when you...

Swaddling can help babies adjust to their surroundings

There are multiple views when it comes to swaddling. Swaddling is an ancient Indian practise, prevalent largely among the Gujaratis and the Rajasthanis, where...

Search for paediatricians and the best child-care hospitals

Doctors. The most important people in your life once you have a baby. I often joke around that only the weak-hearted visits God and doctors...

Human touch is crucial for nurturing growth in children

Massage and bath of the baby is a regime altogether as it has a very crucial role to play in nurturing the growth of...

Parents must ensure their children are free of worries

Here I sit writing about parenting, noting down the ingredients that help develop physical and mental health of those, whose innocence and energy we...

How the first three months can shape a newborn’s life

The first three months with your baby is no less than a post-wedding experience! The parents try to adjust to the baby as much as...

Keeping a watch on nannies is essential to good childcare

Before my child was born, both I and my husband naively promised ourselves that we will never hand over the pearl of our lives...

Dealing with the medical concerns of childbirth

Childbirth being a sensitive and sentimental issue, probably everyone turns into a bundle of nerves during those 9 months period. Especially the first time...

Books that give you the lowdown on good parenting

Pregnancy, babies and parenting are such topics about which everyone knows everything. Advises and opinions pour in endlessly, sometimes enriching our experiences and otherwise...

Contemporary Indian society still favours the male child

When I was writing my last post about planning a baby, one person made a comment which drew attention towards a serious issue. It...

Planning a pregnancy: A personal checklist for prospective parents

You enjoy life only when the right things happen to you at the right time. But is there a right time for you to...

Three vows of parenting that all of us should take

When my child was born, I made him three promises. These were based on experiences I have had with many parents and guardians, who...

Parenthood is about taking on a lifetime responsibility

Parenting is such a role where the heart plays a bigger part than the brain. When my Neev was born, I was prepared to...

When the wandering tunes of Baul reverberate across the world stage

When I was a student at Viswa Bharati, Santiniketan, I stayed in awe of a rickshaw-puller who played flute every evening, with his vehicle...

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