The 35 year-old designer, Suhani Pittie’s knack for design and rich aesthetic has not just brought her recognition and awards, but has also made her one of the leading prominent jewellery designers. Well-known for her exclusive designs, she has worked with Indian style icons such as Sonam Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit, VidyaBalan and Deepika Padukone. These are some of the few celebrities who have chosen to wear her work time and again. Recently in the news for her designs worn by Sonam Kapoor in the Cannes Film Festival, Suhani Pittie again steals the show. She speaks to Guardian 20 about her experience with Sonam Kapoor and her love for designs.
Q. Tell us a little about your beginnings and the start of your brand.
I am a gemologist by degree and used to be so, by profession. I started a training school for gemology at the age of 20.At 23, I moved to Hyderabad from Calcutta and one day while toying with old silver, I made something for a family member. Somehow it caught everyone’s eye and I thought to give a try. I took a small booth at The Bridal Asia and everything sold. To top it all India’s leading store Ensemble, ordered everything from my very first collection. And I stumbled upon a career in jewelry.
Jewellery designing is something that was never on my radar.
Q. How did you come in contact with Sonam Kapoor?
One day I received a picture of Rhea Kapoor wearing my zipper choker from the collection Grunge Begum in the year 2010. Both the sisters have such impeccable sense of style and aesthetics.
Of course it was fun to see that my work meandered into their wardrobe, soon after we started working with Rhea for Sonam’s many appearances.
Q. What was your reaction to the news of Sonam wearing your jewels in Cannes for the first time?
For me, it was Sonam wearing my work at such an important event was the biggest highlight where the whole world was watching every move of hers, that was humbling and motivating and of course the “Cannes” factor. It was the faith and the trust she put in my work. The fact that she chose us over all the international brands was overwhelming. And she wore it five years in a row. The jitters are there every year because one as designer is also pushing oneself to show made in India in a new light.
Q. You have done it 5 times in a row now, how long does the process take? Does Sonam give you a brief about what she is wearing and then you design something around it or does she choose from what you have already in your collection?
From April end, I start to put aside designs that are newly made that I know would be Sonam’s style and she would like. Post which Rhea and I shortlist on the very best, because she is so aware and assured of the product finish and quality over the years she chooses her pieces from the images itself.
Q. What effect has the showing of your jewels had on your business?
The whole world watches Sonam Kapoor on the red carpet. She has always championed Indian designers and everyone wants to know what maverick thing she would do this year. So of course, the business goes in a tizzy. There are calls and orders from all over the World and they know our brand and since we have an online store it’s a very easy process for them to buy!
Q. How is it working with Sonam?
Everyone knows Sonam Kapoor as “The Fashion diva” and Rhea Kapoor as the most amazing stylist and a producer. But I have to tell you, they are such warm and cool girls and it is amazing to work with them. Since I don’t live in Bombay, I don’t see them often, but when I do, it’s always a warm meeting.