Foreign investors withdraw Rs 24,753 cr in March’s first week

New Delhi: Foreign investors continue to pull...

De-dollarisation & BRICS’ quest for financial sovereignty

For decades, the U.S. dollar has been...


CHRISTANITY: Love’s creation and pursuit

In boundless love, the heavenly Father created humanity in His image and likeness, intending for them to live in eternal communion and harmony with...

CHRISTIANITY: Mary’s song of praise for women

International Women’s Day serves as a profound reminder of the significance of recognizing and celebrating the contributions of women across the globe. The Song...

Christianity: Reflective mirrors of God’s character

Let us express our gratitude to God for His glorious love, which creates us in His image and likeness, endowing us with human identity,...

CHRISTIANITY: Grace at Golgotha

The sun beat on Golgotha, where three crosses stood against the sky. Jesus, innocent and Son of God, hung at the centre, a beacon...

Christianity: A Lenten reflection

Dear friends, as we journey through this season of Lent, it’s essential to confront our weaknesses and be open before God honestly. Let us...

CHRISTIANITY: Inclusive love exalts a nation

To uplift and exalt India, embracing inclusive love is crucial, recognizing that all individuals are created in God’s image and possess inherent dignity and...

CHRISTIANITY: Transformative power of Jesus prayer

Sunita’s life witnesses the joy and peace that Jesus imparts by his grace to live in union with him. To abide in Christ for...

Glory of participation in the Divine

Ronny knows God created human beings in his image and likeness to reflect God’s glorious, holy, loving character. Ronny’s life reflects gratitude for the...

Be a reconciler and forgiver

In this New Year, what fuels your imagination and aspirations? Is it to be like a tree planted by water streams, which yields fruit...

CHRISTIANITY: Goals for a new year

Apostle Paul, educated at the feet of Gamliel, a persecutor of Christians, transformed after encountering Jesus, knew that goal setting is essential for a...

Jesus’ genealogy and God’s active grace

The Genealogy of Jesus reveals the God who is love, leaves His heavenly dwelling and reaches out to embrace wayward humanity, offering salvation to...

Participation in life of God

The angelic host sang in a heavenly chorus heralding the birth of the Saviour of the world. The greatest of all mysteries of all...

The bliss of the Virgin Mary

Unconditional love is the driving force of a righteous and holy God. In creating humanity in His image, God desired them to enjoy the...

Indian civilization is spiritual

Indian civilization is spiritual and has kept spirituality at the forefront, allowing people the freedom to reform the system. For example, the enlightened Kabir...

Joy to take our cross

Sona knows the freedom Christ has given him should not become a pretext for living a Christian life the way he wants to according...

Life gives light

Jane spends considerable time celebrating the festival of light, and she openly confesses that in our world today, people need big doses of spiritual...

Sadhu Sundar Singh’s ecstasies

Sadhu Sunder Singh went worldwide, giving testimony of the life-transforming encounter with Jesus Christ on 18th December 1904. The encounter brought the realization that...

When joy seems to disappear

Kiran remarked Jesus says don’t worry “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? (Luke 12:25.)”, yet sometimes worry...

Friendship tests

Jesus set amazingly high standards of friendship, said Ravi. Jesus called disciples his friend and died on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for...

The destiny of life is victorious

Jesus willingly suffered the greatest pain because he knew the end of His life’s story; His resurrection from the dead. The Devil thought he...

Hungry for love

My heart broke as I recently visited a children home and met twenty innocent girls rescued from brothels in their early teens and below....

Deal with your anger

Travelling on a train, Jai was seated next to a businessman who remarked, “to progress in life, a person needs to control his anger.”...

Desire God

Kant wanted lasting happiness which led him into experimenting different means. He set his heart on being wealthy and owning only branded items. His...

Water of life in an Indian cup

Sadhu Sundar Singh’s 134 birth anniversary is on 3 September. Born into a godly family in Rampur, Punjab, at the young age of 15,...

Friend of Jesus

Jeevan and Jyoti are an educated brother and sister born in a Christian home. Both are graduates and accomplished pianists. They have a problem,...

Domestic violence

Jyoti came to work on time even as the principal noted she was very silent and had a black mark under her eye. When...

Every spiritual blessing

Shauna rejoices as she experiences security in the fact that “God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us in the heavenly...

Her blessed body

ing new life into the world, nurturing the newborn, and comforting the family with sacrificial love. It took the body of Mother Mary to...

God who shows Love

Melanie rests in the fact that God has spoken a single message that He loves, and all of His actions result from His holy...

Live victorious life

For twenty-five years, Johnny looked in songs, philosophy, in the delights of carnal desires; the more he indulged, the less satisfied he was. Johnny’s...

Word and spirit amid chaos

Joshua learnt from experience to accept each day he faces and find God. Life has not been easy for Joshua. He often wondered what...

Invest in your marriage

“I am not getting out of marriage what I wanted. I guess nobody does,” said John. And then the Holy Spirit whispered, “What have...

When marriage hurts

Kiran seeks by God’s grace and truth to find joy amid suffering even when her marriage hurts. She admits, “I am not perfect,” and...

When marriage hurts

Kiran seeks by God’s grace and truth to find joy amid suffering even when her marriage hurts. She admits, “I am not perfect,” and...

When marriage hurts

Kiran seeks by God’s grace and truth to find joy amid suffering even when her marriage hurts. She admits, “I am not perfect,” and...

Sacred space in marriage

John and Kiran value their decision to follow God’s plan for marriage, which helps them navigate through the turmoil of life as they seek...

Sacred space in marriage

John and Kiran value their decision to follow God’s plan for marriage, which helps them navigate through the turmoil of life as they seek...

Sacred space in marriage

John and Kiran value their decision
इस शब्द का अर्थ जानिये
to follow God’s plan for marriage, which helps them navigate through the turmoil of life as they seek...

Marriage full of grace

John learnt the hard way that contentment and joy in marriage comes from the grace of God. The only thing God called ‘not good’...

Marriage full of grace

John learnt the hard way that contentment and joy in marriage comes from the grace of God. The only thing God called ‘not good’...

Marriage full of grace

John learnt the hard way that contentment and joy in marriage comes from the grace of God. The only thing God called ‘not good’...

Love without hypocrisy

Melanie was questioned by her friend; are you depressed when your community suffers because of their faith in Christ Jesus? Melanie reflected and quoted...

Love without hypocrisy

Melanie was questioned by her friend; are you depressed when your community suffers because of their faith in Christ Jesus? Melanie reflected and quoted...

Love without hypocrisy

Melanie was questioned by her friend; are you depressed when your community suffers because of their faith in Christ Jesus? Melanie reflected and quoted...

Jesus is alive

How was your Resurrection Day celebration? The experience of Jesus’ disciples was varied; some watched our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross, and others hid...

Jesus is alive

How was your Resurrection Day celebration? The experience of Jesus’ disciples was varied; some watched our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross, and others hid...

Jesus is alive

How was your Resurrection Day celebration? The experience of Jesus’ disciples was varied; some watched our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross, and others hid...

Easter: A story of three gardens

Sunita’s love for gardening picturizes Easter as a story of three gardens; Eden, Gethsemane and the New Earth. Yes, the transformed New Earth will...

Easter: A story of three gardens

Sunita’s love for gardening picturizes Easter as a story of three gardens; Eden, Gethsemane and the New Earth. Yes, the transformed New Earth will...

Easter: A story of three gardens

Sunita’s love for gardening picturizes Easter as a story of three gardens; Eden, Gethsemane and the New Earth. Yes, the transformed New Earth will...

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